Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Group Human Interest Story

Facebook Finds Art
Facebook brings more than people together, it has the capabilities to help a son recover pieces of his late father’s art that he thought were gone forever.

Drawings and paintings by the late Damian Canello who passed away 13 years ago, were recently recovered using the social networking site Facebook. Until now, much of Canello’s commercial print art had been sold previous to his passing, or ended up proving itself to be too obscure to recover from commercial magazines or advertising agencies. This left Canello’sonly son, Dylan Canello in possession of very few pieces of his father’s art in which to remember him by. Recently, a large amount of Damian’s art was reunited with Dylan through Faceboook and an ex-lover of his fathers.

Dylan was contacted by an ex-lover of his father’s after she had found him on Facebook. After speaking back and forth for a couple of days Dylan learned that she had quite a collection of his father’s paintings, drawing, and prints. This collection amounted to far more than Dylan had inherited when his father passed away and he was astonished to find out that this much of his father’s art was still around. When this woman learned what few pieces Dylan possessed of his father’s work, she realized that she could part with her collection of it, knowing that it would mean more to Canello’s only son. She came to grips with parting with Canello’s art that she too had grown to cherish, and mailed all the works Dylan

Dylan, also an artist of many mediums, does not take this gift for granted. He plans to share the completed works, as well as commission other artists to restore or complete his fathers unfinished or uncolored pieces. These artists will be credited in the display of Canello’s pieces, which has the potential to grow into an amazing “rediscovered” art collection.

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