Monday, April 11, 2011

week 1 homework.

Write 3 headlines & introductions to news stories of your own:

  • Bare Naked Fun at USC's Springfest: Unnamed couple arrested for indecent public exposure at this weekend's free music festival, giving attendees more than they bargained for.
  • Cruisin' Cruise: Actor caught flying 40 over limit on Highway 1, walks away with a simple warning.
  • Earthy Trees: Hit band Neon Trees to perform Earth Day concert for tree-planters in hometown of Provo, UT.

Grammy Article Exercise:

  • Grammy Nomination Process Under Review: To avoid confusion and mis-awarding of Grammy's, nominations committee has announced a change in how categories are defined.

What is Reporting & Textbook Videos Response:

Reporting answers the questions:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • How
As quickly, interestingly and clearly as possible.

Specific numbers are useful in headlines & introductions, allowing readers to assess the importance of the story to their lives.

Attributing the facts (attribution) to the source is also important in reporting, reporters must make it known who is giving the information.

A reporter must answer key questions (who, what, when, where, why, how) while making clear where information is coming from.

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