Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting a Job as a Multimedia Journalist

Response to week 10 reading:

I like this:
A student of the author of our book once told the author that they didn't feel that they had not entered a career, they had embarked on a way of life. I think I need to look at my life in this way, not be scared of a career but embrace it as a new way of life.

The comparison of journalism to the music industry is interesting and totally relevant. It's hard to establish oneself as a staple in a world full of people/things/etc that in a constant rotation of importance. As it is hard to grow in the music industry and become an artist that is seen as important, it is even harder to become an established journalist. This is mostly due to the fact that anyone and everyone can and does blog.

Freelance seems to be the way to go in new media journalism for now, at least. These types of journalists need to be aware of how constantly changing the job market is, and be constantly molding themselves to what the industry needs.

The list of capabilities 21st journalists needs grows and grows but includes these, among others:

  • write news AND feature copy for print AND online
  • visualize stories for magazine and web packaging, and interplay between the two
  • blog
  • record interview audio and video
  • be an active participant in their own community online and off
Coming out of this class, working through this book, I believe that if I truly wanted, I may be able to land a journalist job. Or at the very least, get an article published for myself. 

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