Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Verification Handout

Verification & Data Visualization
  • Story Verification
    • Objectivity involves verifying facts.
    • Techniques of Verification
      • Edit with skepticism (aka Prosecutorial Editing).
      • Adjudicating (act as a judge) a story line by line.
      • When Editing, Ask Questions
        • How do we know this?
        • Why would a reader believe this?
        • What is the assertion behind the sentence?
      • Tip: Editor and reporter sit side by side to edit the story.
    • Keep an Accuracy Check List
      • Ask More Questions
        • Is the lead of the story sufficiently supported?
        • Is the context of the story complete?
        • Are all stakeholders in the story identified?
        • Have other sides of this issue been contacted?
        • Does the story pick sides or make subtle value judgements?
      • REMEMBER: When a journalist has an agenda going into an interview the story them becomes propaganda.
    • Final Questions To Ask
      • Have you attributed (given credit to) all of these facts in the story?
      • Do the facts back you up your story?
      • Did you double check the quotes and make sure they are in proper context?
  • Data Visualization / Information Graphics
    • Information graphic is a set of information organized in a visual manner.
    • Information design makes complex information understandable to more people than traditional text.

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