Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Assignments

week 2, website (from p. 49) response:


The header to this page is quite visually appealing. Simple, but engaging as Nick's face is featured against a dark gray background color. The tag line reads:

Political editor
Welcome to Newslog - come here for my reflections and analysis on what's going on in and around politics

This gives a viewer a quick summary of what this web page holds, allowing them to decide whether or not they are interested in browsing further.

I really like the layout of this website. The headlines and quick blurbs in the main body of the page allow the reader to quickly scan through and choose which articles they are most interested in. Upon clicking a headline, the full story is presented to the viewer along with a photograph or two and an option to view comments or post a comment. On the right of the article is links to Nick's other articles, and a list of the most popular BBC articles. At the bottom of the article is a widget with links to articles that relate to the article the viewer has clicked, which is really helpful to readers that are searching for as much information as possible.

On the main page is an about me section on the right side of the page is great insight to where Nick came from, which is helpful in allowing to allow the reader to learn about his background in order to further understand how he forms his thoughts.

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