Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Roberta Morris Pannel Notes

Story Is Everything.

Greek Storytelling - Builds up to a crisis moment in the middle, winds down from crisis into solution.

Interactivity in journalism (and everything) gives the user control - the user likes to be in control.

Trouble with interactivity: a story sometimes takes us places we don't want to go.

Trouble with "choose your own story" the author always writes every outcome, the user never writes their own story, just chooses an already written direction.
In an interview, silence allows an interviewee to sit in awkward silence, while breaking down their resistance to answering the posed question.

Blue is a color that people trust - it is natural.

Roberta said this, "We (artists) tend to get there before we figure out why we are there." This speaks so much to my life, I am always arriving at my destination before I know why I've brought myself there. I speak and act before I think. I make art in certain ways, then figure out why they work afterwards.

She also said "we can be smart, instead of nosy" in relation to interviewing - but I wish more people would apply this to real life as well. I am always trying to get stories out of people, not because I am being nosy but in order to learn things through their experiences. I know I can't have every experience in the world, but if I can learn through others' experiences - I know I will have a more rounded knowledge of the world whether or not the knowledge was obtained by me or passed on to me by they who had experienced it.


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