Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Handout Notes: Good vs. Bad Questions

Good Question Types:
  • Open Ended: Doesn't allow a one word or yes/no answer. Lets the intervieww approach it from whichever angle they feel appropriate.  Answers will be rich, personal and thoughtful.
  • Neutral: Doesn't suggest a tone for the answer, allows more thought on the interviewee's end.   
  • Specific: Start generally, then narrow. 
  • Wrap Up: asked at the end of an interview - provide an opportunity for the subject to add anything they may have missed, or that may not have come up naturally in the interview.
Bad Question Types:
  • yes/no questions: don't present a challenge for the interviewee, no room for thought or reflection. usually only used for fact checking purposes.
  • leading questions: questions that are often confrontational, which steer the interview in the direction of their own purposes and goals. confrontation is not conducive to a successful interview.
  • double barreled: when two questions are phrased in one. Often confuses the interviewee, and allows them to ignore a point if they so choose. Ask questions separately.

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